• About Nick Fajen

    Originating from the vibrant city of Ft. Worth, Texas, he has since set his roots in the bustling city of Orlando, Florida. His professional path is marked by a rich tapestry of experiences across a variety of fields, from concrete handling to the intricacies of pest control. This journey across different industries has not only broadened his skill set but also fueled his desire to seek out new ventures where he can apply his acquired knowledge and his inherent passion for helping others.


    Professional Background

    Embarking on his professional voyage in 2011, Nick has navigated through roles in concrete, automotive retail, the culinary scene, and pest control, eventually making a significant mark in the heavy equipment domain. His commitment, keen eye for detail, and profound knowledge quickly propelled him to the position of service manager within merely a year of his tenure as a pest control technician—a testament to his exceptional capability and dedication.


    Areas of Expertise

    Nick Fajen boasts a versatile range of skills that make him stand out in any field he ventures into. He is exceptionally skilled in modifying 90s Mitsubishi vehicles using ECMLink, demonstrating a solid grasp of general mechanical concepts. Additionally, his expertise extends to pest and termite management, proficiency with Windows operating systems, and a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Office applications. This skill set underscores his adaptability and readiness to tackle challenges across different spectrums.


    Awards and Accomplishments

    Fajen's journey is adorned with notable accolades that highlight his prowess outside of professional settings as well. As a high school student, he excelled in marksmanship, contributing to his rifle team's triumphant undefeated season in 2006 by securing the highest scores in standing position and overall performance during his junior year. In his senior year, he continued to shine by achieving the highest scores in prone, kneeling, standing, and overall categories. Furthermore, his talents led him to place 15th in the Army JROTC division and 28th overall at the Western Regionals held at the Olympic Training Center, showcasing his exceptional skills on a national stage.


    Charity and Philanthropy

    Nicholas's deep-rooted commitment to community service is evident through his active involvement in philanthropic efforts. His college years were marked by participation in initiatives aimed at feeding people experiencing homelessness, reflecting his compassionate nature. His fraternity membership further provided avenues for contributing to society, such as participating in roadside cleanup projects, thereby reinforcing his dedication to making a positive impact in the community.


    Personal Interests and Conclusion

    Nicholas Fajen embodies the essence of a well-rounded individual whose professional achievements and personal interests converge to form a life dedicated to excellence and service. Whether he's at the helm of heavy equipment operations or immersing himself in the intricacies of car tuning, he stands as a testament to the profound influence one can have across various spheres of life. His journey is a compelling narrative of professional growth, diverse interests, and unwavering commitment to contributing positively to society.